Be your own damn hero.

Hi friends :) I’m so glad that our paths are crossing! My guess is that if you are reading this, you are in search of some guidance when it comes to your overall health and fitness routine. I’d love to help! Before we jump in, here is a little more information about me:

I am a NASM certified strength & conditioning coach with a specialization in weight loss, pre/post natal training, and nutrition. In addition, I am a Senior Trainer at Rumble (boxing conditioning) and Core40 (lagree pilates) in the Bay Area. I bring a unique, holistic approach to my training with every client. My goal is to help you feel your strongest and to teach you how to live your healthiest lifestyle without feeling overly restricted. I treat my clients as friends and partners - we’re in this journey together! When I’m not training you can probably find me with a Philz coffee or Souvla froyo in hand, attempting to learn golf, slowly but gracefully skiing down a mountain, or busting a move at any local bar.